HR articles

Performance Review Template & Guide

2024-04-12 15:14

What is a performance review?

A performance review is a formal, structured process where an employee’s past performance is evaluated. It also involves setting expectations and goals for the future that align with where the employee wants to grow and the long-term objectives of the business. This is a key part of performance management and typically occurs annually, biannually, or quarterly.
An employee’s direct supervisor or manager typically conducts performance reviews, as they are most familiar with the employee’s work and day-to-day performance. HR plays a critical role in overseeing and supporting the entire performance management process, from providing guidelines and templates and training managers on providing constructive feedback to analyzing performance review outcomes.
The purpose of performance reviews is to offer constructive feedback, show them where they can improve, clarify their responsibilities, motivate them, hold them accountable, and help them develop in their careers. Ultimately, this leads to improved employee and organizational performance.
A performance review template is a tool that organizations use to streamline the review process and ensure that both the manager and employee are clear on the goals and next steps.

What are the different types of employee performance review templates?

Job performance scale

A job performance scale allows managers to quantitatively assess an employee’s performance against predefined criteria.
The employee:
  • Achieves the objectives of the job
  • Meets criteria for performance
  • Fulfills all the requirements of the job
  • Demonstrates expertise in all job-related tasks
  • Could manage more responsibility than typically assigned
  • Appears suitable for a higher-level role
  • Is competent in all areas of the job, handles tasks with proficiency
  • Performs well in the overall job by carrying out tasks as expected
  • Plans and organizes to achieve objectives of the job and meet deadlines.
These example questions can be used to accurately measure job performance for employees. You could split the questions into various areas of a particular role and rate the employee’s performance within each one.

For this method, the performance review template should include questions similar to the above with a rating scale, such as the 4-point Likert scale (Strongly disagree, Disagree, Agree, Strongly Agree).

Job behaviors scale

A job behaviors scale helps evaluate an employee’s workplace behaviors, such as teamwork, communication, and problem-solving. You can measure these behaviors, also called extra-role behaviors, using the following questions.
The employee:
  • Helps other employees with their workload when they have been absent
  • Helps others when their workload increases
  • Volunteers to do things not formally required by the job
  • Assists the manager with their duties
  • Makes innovative suggestions to improve the overall quality of the department.
Again, the supervisor uses these items to rate the employee. For this method, we recommend using a 4-point Likert scale in your performance review template, with additional space for extra comments.
A good performance review template combines job performance with job behavior questions to get a well-rounded picture of employee performance:

Measuring performance using competencies

The next type of performance review template is based on rating an employee’s performance through competencies. Every job requires multiple competencies to carry out its tasks successfully. These are the so-called job-specific competencies.
In addition to job-specific competencies, there are also core competencies. These are the competencies that everyone in the organization needs. They are often set by the board of directors, and everyone in the organization is expected to have at least a basic proficiency in these competencies. Examples of core competencies are customer focus, financial acumen, and adaptability.
In the employee performance review, aim to select the three or four most important job-specific competencies. Continue with the core competencies of the company. Based on these competencies, you can rate the employee’s behavior over the past period. Usually, this is done by setting behavioral benchmarks for each score on the competency. You can do this by describing the specific behaviors for each competency.
You can also work with a simpler performance review template where the reviewers rate employees on predefined competencies on a scale from Strongly disagree to Strongly agree. Here’s what it could look like:

Measuring performance using 360-degree feedback

360-degree feedback is a peer feedback system in which the manager, direct reports, customers, and peers of an employee give input on their performance. This is a balanced approach as the employee is assessed from multiple perspectives.
360-degree feedback is, therefore, mostly used as a tool for more senior roles, for example, managers.

How to create a performance review template

  • Choose the right format

  • Select the right competencies

  • Include the employee information section

  • Use a consistent rating scale

  • Provide space for written comments

  • Review and update the template regularly
Use templates and tips to create your own performance review template and boost engagement, motivation, and commitment across your organization.
😇 Performance Management is something that improves employee performance and creates motivation.

But just having a process is not enough, you need to organise it in such a way that it does not take up supervisors' time and is not perceived by employees as formalism.
Online course Performance Management:
  • For HR who need to implement or improve the company's performance management process
  • For managers who want to manage employee performance more effectively.
  • For employees who want to understand how the process works.
We're looking forward to seeing you! 😉